About Us
In May of 2013, ConocoPhillips solicited proposals from Mines and other Universities of interest.
John McCray and Terri Hogue responded by writing a proposal with a focus on the joint sustainability of water resources and unconventional energy production in the west.
They were selected and notified by ConocoPhillips. Mines received $3M in March 2014.
- 9 faculty from the following departments: CEE, HSE, and LAIS
- An ongoing multitude of graduate fellows, including a mixture of Masters and Ph.D. students
- An ongoing multitude of undergraduate scholars from the following departments: Chemical & Biochemical, Petroleum, Mathematics, Geophysical, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
The ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE2ST at Colorado School of Mines was formulated to promote the joint sustainability of unconventional energy production and water resources through education of energy-water literate graduate and undergraduate students, and by conducting world-class research on both community acceptance of unconventional resource development, and water resources related to unconventional energy production.
The ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE2ST at Colorado School of Mines will be the nation’s “go-to” institution for research, education and outreach associated with the joint sustainability of water resources and energy production in arid lands.
1. Address water sustainability challenges related to urban growth, agriculture, and energy in the arid west.
2. Educate graduate and undergraduate students to be energy-water literate.
3. Conduct world-class research on the linkages between water resources and unconventional energy production.
4. Improve community-corporate-regulatory co-acceptance of unconventional energy production.
1. Regional water resources and management
2. Contamination and risk mitigation
3. Water Treatment and reuse
4. Corporate social responsibility
Click HERE for more detailed information on Research
Mission: The WE2ST E&O program seeks to prepare students of all ages to solve complex multi-generational science problems while building a better community.
Vision: Our vision is of an elite academic environment that fosters healthy relationships between Colorado School of Mines and the community to prepare young people to tackle complex science issues while considering social impacts.
Click HERE for more detailed information on Education Outreach